Today I was finally able to figure out my secondary powerup. It now 1) spawns rarely, 2) is a multi-directional projectile, and 3) has a working powerup icon. I realized that a very important missing piece of my code was the script for the shield behavior itself…which I didn’t figure out until the 100th error message that I was trying to use a parameter as if it was a function (note: this is a red flag that I was assuming the code had more information than you’ve written). The biggest takeaway from today’s work is that everything that has a specific, independent behavior, needs a script for that behavior. I will get better at this with practice and time.

Dan helped me with a tip that I should test my code in the update- I had to make sure the code was actually getting called. Once I saw this and my projectile still wasn’t moving, I had the realization that I need to write a script for the projectile’s behavior.
My next issue was to figure out to spawn the secondary powerup rarely. The Google suggestion that worked for me was making a separate IEnumerator function for both the “normal” and “rare” powerups, so that I could put separate time constraints on how often the spawn manager needed to instantiate the different types of powerups. I put a debug.log in the script after each instantiation to make sure this was happening, and it was.

Tomorrow will be dedicated to the camera shake, for which there seems to be a lot of community code online (hence why I decided to save this phase I requirement for last); Or at least that’s what I hope.
Positive Affirmation: Coding C# and Unity come easily and effortlessly to me, that I can understand it quickly, teach it to anyone and create anything I want. Coding is fun, relaxing and extremely enjoyable for me.
Stay well friends,