Piggy backing off of my last blog- upon going through the challenge review, I was surprised that answer was similar to the method I found on Google- but what went wrong? I forgot to call it and I also didn’t add a second yield after the second even of the text flash code. Thus, no flashing text. Lesson learned. At least I was mostly on the right track- two out of three ain’t bad.
After hitting some random Unity glitches (random objects appearing then disappearing out of the sample scene) and getting help from Joanne, I moved on to the main menu section. Once I finished the UI section and was able to continue to visual effects (VFX). The Visual Effects section had a lot of really nice sprites (the visual effects) that really took this game from a basic prototype to something that I’d probably find in real life. It’s amazing what animations can do, which by the way, are by far the easiest thing for me to set up right now. Really getting the hang of animations. Makes me think about how creating images for animations might be interesting in the future. I also got more practice visualizing how to access the inspector’s components through code. I’m not 100% the best quite yet, but it is becoming easier to remember what comes (aside from looking at the tip bar when you type). I do find that at this point, it does make more sense to automatically start reading the tip bar along with understanding the location of things, while using gameObject.GetComponent(). One challenge that I’m having is remembering to include null checks…I just can’t seem to remember to do them. I may have to attach a sticky note to my screen🤔. It is getting easier to understand the logic behind which functions are appropriate, and also the data types that area necessary. It’s all starting to come together slowly. Just finished the Post Processing section today- YAY! Not ready to submit the project yet, but I worked hard- I’ll gladly take that progress as a win! Below are gifs of my progress:

Stay well friends,