- Addendum: This blog is for my work done on 11/19/20
Earlier I hit a snag where I couldn’t get my powerups to play their animations. Since everything else was working, I made the executive decision to just continue moving forward (due to the limited time I have to take full advantage of the internship to prepare for employability). Thankfully this decision paid off- after thinking about the logic of what was actually going on, I realized that it had to do with me forgetting to click the “Apply All” button in the Overrides option of the prefab inspector. So simple- how could I have forgotten? One click to rule them all. Although it did take me some time to mentally backtrack through trying to figure out exactly what was going on and why (so I could figure out a more specific place to look first instead of looking at everything). Thankfully, this was a very simple fix.
I’m also finally seeing some percentage progress toward my project looking like a real life game. I can see the light at the end of the 2D tunnel!
The goal here isn’t just to finish the internship- the main goal is employability. If I’m not employable, no one’s just going to hand me a job for simply finishing this internship- I have to demonstrate that A) I understand this stuff easily, B) I’m able to use code to solve real world problems and C) I can debug…a lot of coding appears to be debugging. 😂 Good thing I like puzzles. 🙂
Stay well friends,