Sunday, I ran into my first big snag: I created my capsule prefabs (or as I like to call, “laser shooter thingies”) and I did a major no no- ALWAYS check your code before moving on…tisk tisk. Needless to say, I did not. So I created the laser shooter thingies, which spawned perfectly, and moved on to making the lazers move up continuously after seeing the section on Euler angles. Thus, instead of the laser prefabs just being spawned on top of each other and being stationary, or simply dropping out of the camera view, the lasers now travel up thanks to using transform.position, a new private _speed variable, and every “real one’s” favorite- Time.detaTime. Yes, those capsules even got a fancy new green color….unfortunately focusing on those later steps first were the thing that caused me to hit a snag: now the lazers only spawn in the same spot.😑

Code can be very deceiving, especially when you’ve written it yourself. Perhaps it’s a psychological thing that people by default don’t want to admit that they’re wrong. But for me, learning coding has almost been like how it was learning to do psychic readings- you’re always questioning what you get, if you did it correctly, and backtracking to make sure you understand what you did so you can repeat that result on demand as fast as possible. For those who really do this in real life, you know what I’m talking about…”Did I really just do that correctly or am I making this up”…. And when something goes wrong, you go over what you did over and over to dry to figure out what went wrong. In the tech field there’s a fancy word for that- Debugging. Thankfully also, in the tech field, instead of it all just being in “your head,” there are screen recordings and screenshots for more experienced devs to help you with. Thankfully I’m in community with great people, so that I won’t be like my lazers- stuck at the same position.