My cubes prototypes are now space ships!

I noticed that my triple shot prefab is no longer animator, so I’ll look at that later on tonight. I’m getting the hang of being in a coding mindset finally. When I ask for help, I feel like the questions are more meaningful and I’m more quickly able to think about what exactly it is that I’m looking for to even begin with. Also, I’d been having a problem using my Slack application for calls, and I was finally able to get that sorted out today. I was using a few other apps for backups, such as Google Hangout and Zoom, but to be honest, keeping everything in Slack really just save more time and is more seamless. Things being seamless is really important when you’re working remotely. For example, while my team was on a meeting, it saved so much time to just be able to switch off on sharing desktops- you don’t miss the in person component (communication-wise) when everyone is on the same page and both parties can see exactly what the other is talking about. I had some weird error messages that Dan is going to research for example, I wouldn’t have been able to properly explain without taking the time to take and send a screen shot- not that it isn’t quick, but when a whole group has to cram 10 weeks of material into 4, it matters. Every second matters. There’s no time for anything that can take less time.
This whole experience has been such a wonderful opportunity. I’m so thankful for the chance to re-skill and learn something new and meaningful that is needed to move society into the future. This is why I really hope to finish the 2D module by the end of this week. I’m determined to finish. And not just finish- my brain needs to absorb it all. I don’t just want to finish this internship- I want to be actually employable. May the odds ever be in my favor.
Stay well friends,