Late blog for 12/23/20. Please excuse the late posts- trying to balance learning coding while having an “as traditional as possible” diy/zoom Christmas was a bit of a learning curve for me. I learned about Sine and Cosine curves. I learned that sine curve functions give a wave motion for the x component, and cosine curve functions give motion for the y component. I didn’t realize until now that I really was just flat using the wrong function entirely to the result I wanted. I definitely will be doing a math refresher- there’s so much to learn about math function behavior in Unity. I also accidentally delted my smart enemy and had to reconfigure it because I delted it from the game view before I turned it into a prefab. Enter in part where using GitHub would have been useful! I’m definitely going to be getting to GitHub next week….I have a little too much history with accidentally deleting things to not be using Git… I would learn it now, but Beginners aren’t “being paid" to learn GitHub, so I have to use my official clock hours for official curriculum.
It’s crazy how just a two months ago I knew absolutely nothing about C sharp and thought that Unity meant “togetherness” 😂. I’ve come so far! This has been such a great learning opportunity. The GameDev community is such a challenging, yet kind and supportive environment where going out on a limb and just trying something new is encouraged. The engineering mindset is really nurtured here. I do hope this program will be able to contine next year!
Stay Well Friends,