CS 0120

2 min readDec 17, 2020


(blog for 12/16/2020) Today, the main focus was Twinemy…such an evil little thing. I wanted to use the lives variable in the player script to make the rock instantion (it’s projectile) appear to be heat seeking, but I kept getting this error.

I also worked on debugging Twinemy’s movement to no avail… My new plan is to scrap Math.F pingpong even though I really wanted to use it- it’s just taking up more time than I’m ok with right now. I did fix a bug that was causing Twinemy to explode sporadically- I discovered that I needed to write extra code to tell it only get damaged when hitting the player or a player laser, which I did by creating a new tag for the enemy lasers. At first the player lasers tag changed too (I’m not sure why?) and thought that maybe it was because they were all associated prefabs/duplicates, but after resetting both the player lasers and the enemy lasers the tags stuck the second time.

Twinemy has been so problematic and I feel like I’m falling behind dealing with one character, that I’m going to take a break from it tomorrow, just so I can have more progress in my game.

The game is definitely reinforcing that you have to code all behaviors- you can’t assume anything. I really wish I could get that ping pong to work. I reached out for help and I’m still not understanding why it’s not working. In my mind, the logic is simple, but it’s not translating to program in the way I expected at all.

Positive Affirmation: Coding C# and Unity come easily and effortlessly to me, that I can understand it quickly, teach it to anyone and create anything I want. I think of new, fun, creative, expressive, unique ideas easily and am inspired by the universe. Coding is fun, relaxing and extremely enjoyable for me.

Stay well friends,





Written by Kristin

Astrologer turned Software Developer who is aiming for the stars to land on the moon. Kristin the Developer is the Celestial Sleuth.

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