I was able to finally finish the enemies section today and move on to the Prototype to Production section in the 2D Game module because of trick that Joanne mentioned from an earlier section I completed: Debug.Log. I couldn’t figure out why my enemies were both being destroyed at the same time, until I realized that the first one was probably immediately being destroyed by being spawned in the first place. I accidently had the original starting in the same place as the player. After destroying with a laser prefab the second enemy, I saw there were none. I did a Debug.Log that was shown in the tutorial to see when the first enemy was being destroyed and there it was- my hypothesis was correct. All I had to do was move the original enemy and everything worked properly. After completing that section, I was able to move on to the Prototype section, which Dan helped me realize I’d downloaded multiple times. The folders don’t show up as neatly as they do in the tutorial, but they work…and for now, I’ll take that as a win.

It was cool seeing the game start to take shape and look like something you’d see in real life. It’s going to be interesting when all the sprites, and sounds are applied. I’m definitely also noticing that it’s getting easier for me read the Unity Scripting API. It doesn’t completely look like gibberish, so I will also take that as another win😂. I will probably do a little bit more work tonight to try to have a bit more progress. Even if it’s just for 20 minutes. If I hit any major snags, I’ll save those for tomorrow morning.
Stay well friends,