Piggy backing off of my last blog, I tried to figure out the audio for the explosions and laser on the asteroid, enemy and player on my own. It almost worked, but I couldn’t figure out how to assign multiple sound clips to the player. I ended up looking at the challenge review because the code I found on google was old and didn’t work anymore…In the challenge review, although they did do an explosion sequence for the enemy, for everything else, they did a singular audio setup attached to the explosion- this makes so much more sense than doing all the extra unnecessary I did :-P

After that, I continued on to the Build sections- I hit a snag here. I tried to compile both Windows and Web GL platforms and I kept getting the same 3 error messages. I unsuccessfully Googled some solutions and still have not the slightest clue of why these messages are popping up. I’m going to ask someone to verify that I correctly downloaded unity and all of it’s components tomorrow.

In the spirit of getting as far as I can, I decided to at least try to make a bit more progress by adding that bug fix to the double enemy fire on the enemy 2D collider by destroying the collider, so that the player can only collide with the enemy target once.

I will move on to the enemy fire section tomorrow. Today was not the greatest Google day ever. I noticed that the scripting API makes more sense than other people’s Google community answers. Perhaps I will utilize the scripting API first before Google-ing tomorrow to see how I feel about that. I also looked at the if/else section of the c# survival guide and regret not looking at it sooner. It helped me understand coding my null checks- I have no problem remembering them after I looked at that section today.
Stay well friends,