Anything is Possible
Tech downloaded. Schedule set. Goals set. Now it’s time to go, go, GO! Today I saw first hand how useful Unity Hub is- it really does unify and tie together files and applications. For example, to work theough my tutorials I needed to toggle between Unity and Visual Studio- after quickly searching my Slack feeds, I realized I must have accidentally missed the install add. No problem, I just went through the install page on Unity and abra cadabra! Seamless transition. I wish all applications were linked so perfectly. There are many little features that are just plain interesting once you get into playing atound with unity, but being at a later start date in the internship program does mean there’s a it of time crunch to contend with, but I believe if there’s a will, there’s a way.
I will definitely be tinkering around with Unity this weekend and during other down times. I want to be as comfortable with it as possible- hopefully that will help me to progress quickly through to being super prepared for projects. I also want to finish the C# course if possible as well- that way I can rest my mind from initially learning in javascript.
I fully intend on catching up. People set world records all the time, right? Just because it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean it can’t. Is it possible to cram ten weeks of material into four? I have no idea…but as Jon says, “Anything is possible.” :-)
Stay well friends,